You know what really annoys the heck outta me? When people make irrational expectations and impositions on the masses based on emotional responses to fringe scenarios.
All the hoopla and money spent on anti-gun regulation will not in any way limit the availability of firearms to criminals. Illegally obtained firearms come from more sources than US citizens can imagine. Sadly the US government has unwittingly been the primary supplier of firearms to the criminal base. By providing firearms over many many years to Mexico, Africa, and the Middle East we are introducing millions of dollars in firearms to other entities that we have NO CONTROL OVER for their firearms distribution.
The US State Department has an entire section on military assistance and reports to prove where the Class I assistance goes (yeah that's all small arms, automatic rifles, shotguns, etc). Then there are another set of classifications under this department that permit the transfer of everything up to biological and nuclear weapons design and testing.
Tack onto this the fact we have a separate department that is all about ensuring we can transfer anything and everything to other countries and agencies in the interest of security cooperation:
They are planning to provide $2.6B in petroleum products (approx 860 million gallons) to Israel... Really? (
Why are there so many who are jobless in the US? Why are we allowing importation of goods without taxing them to make it more cost effective to manufacture here in the US? Put high taxes on imports, reduce the cost of US based employment and manufacturing, and bring focus back to the US instead of trying to improve the world and neglecting our own.
Gun control legislation is simply the US government's attempt to "wag the dog", slight of hand to get you focused on the left hand while the right hand is engaged in what should be considered criminal activity. Where is the common sense in all of this? Who is going to be the first person to introduce legislation to ban pressure cookers?
If you have common sense, then take the time to tell our government to cease foreign aid, focus on aiding our citizens and not disarming them, stop providing millions of dollars in firearms to third parties, penalize outsourcing of jobs to make it cost prohibitive, penalize the import of goods to make it more cost effective to manufacture in the US, and help rebuild the American Dream!